Melasma is a skin problem, which has also known as Chloasma faciei or marks of pregnancy when it is present in pregnant women.It is the discoloration of the skin. Melasma can affect anyone but it is more common is pregnant women or those taking oral or patch contraceptives medications. It is also common in women who are taking hormone replacement therapy.
Causes of melasma
Melasma has considered as the stimulation of melanocytes or pigment-producing cells. Women having light brown skin, living in regions where sun exposure is very intense, tend to develop this condition. Genetic predisposition is also a main factor. It determines whether a person will develop this condition or not. Melasma is more frequent in people having thyroid disease. It has considered that the excessive production of melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) (due to stress) can cause this condition. Sometimes it is occurred due to allergic reaction to the cosmetics and medicines.
Symptoms of melasma
The symptom of Melasma is dark skin having irregular patches. They are demarcated hyperpigmented macules and usually found on the upper cheek, forehead, nose, lips and upper lip. They gradually develop with the passage of time. Other than cosmetic discoloration, there is no other symptom. In pre-menopausal women, Melasma is common.
Ingredients Of Cream
Lavendar oil
Sesame oil
Olive oil
Mustard oil
Bees Wax
Extract of Eclipta Plant
Extract of Euphorbia Hirta
Extract of Butaefrondosa Tree
Extract of Senna Leaves
Extract of Fumitory Plant
Extract of Curcuma
Extract of Salicylic Acid
Fine Coal Tar
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